Political Commentary and Current Events

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Bolton Update

Bolton's accuser, Townsel, has come forward, in an attempt to preempt her critics, with the revelation that in college she plagiarized multiple articles for her school paper. Another critic, Lynne Finney,who claims Bolton harassed her, is, it turns out, delusional:

What do Nostradamus, "Star Trek" and the Book of Revelation have to do with the Bush administration's nominee for ambassador to the United Nations?

In an attempt to deep-six John Bolton's nomination, Democrats placed stories in The Boston Globe, USA Today and CNN citing a women who claimed Bolton threatened her - the very same woman who published an article on newsmax.com using those sources to predict world peace was at hand.

Those articles also failed to mention the fact that Lynne Finney, the women who claims she was abused by Bolton, has problems with her memory. She believes that she long suppressed and later recovered memories that she was molested by her father - a process which the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association regard as dubious and an unreliable source of testimony.


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