Political Commentary and Current Events

Thursday, March 03, 2005

And the New McCarthyism is....

Originally uploaded by RHarris.

I was sort of thinking that racism was the new McCarthyism. Its so easy to call someone a racist, and all accusations of racism are taken seriously regardless of their actual validity, or the evidence to support their validity. I guess Davis Horowitz was really the first to bring this to my attention.

Ann Coulter suggests that the actual new McCarthyism is Homosexuality (not in those words exactly). It does seem that there is a lot of hypocrisy coming from the left on this point these days. For instance, we're supposed to have a sexual-preference-blind society, however, at the same time the left can't help but parade Jeff Gannon/Guckert's sexuality, despite it having no relevance (he was the reporter accused of asking softball questions at white house press conferences). And the outing of the relatives of conservatives is about as sordid of a practice one can think of.


Blogger erinberry said...

Ah yes, it's the left who are really the bigots. Nice try!

1:57 PM


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